New you. Heard it before? Even said it yourself? I think most of us have.
This year, I haven't, and I'm not going to. Why? Because I don't need to be a "new" me, I just need to be Me. This doesn't mean I haven't got things to work on, because believe me, I have! I have weight I want to lose, fitness levels I want to improve and other things we all swear to change at the beginning of the year. But these aren't resolutions for me, just part of the bigger picture. I have to have surgery this year to repair a Labral year in my hip. I say hip, to be honest it's more in the groin and it is a right sod. My range of movement is reduced dramatically, and thanks to it the only exercise I'm allowed is 15 mins of swimming, once a week. Yep, you read that right. This kinda threw my plans out the window, but it's better than nothing at all. So, due to the upcoming surgery, I have decided that the first six months of 2014 will be as productive as possible., and also be spent making sure I'm healthier and fitter to be able to cope with surgery, before being stuck on my arse for about six months whilst I heal. The joys of such surgery when you are a diabetic with Ehler-Danlos Syndrome type III, you really suck at healing!
So; what's on my list for this year? All sorts. Let's start with the typicals.
Food:Yep, like 90% of you, I'll be aiming to change my eating habits. Last year before I had major diabetes issues (long story) I was happily doing the 5:2 diet. For me, it's ideal. No faff, no fuss and no "must avoid" foods. I know what calorie decrease is safe for me, and I know that within a fortnight, I don't feel the hunger or notice the calorie drop so I'm going back to basics with this and planning to approach it like a newbie. Menu planning is a MUST for me when I do this, but I really enjoy doing such things anyway. I'll be looking for new recipes, so if any of you have any then send them to me!
Fitness: That's right, fitness. Not exercise but general fitness. Much to the relief of many, I'm determined this year that the cigarettes will go and stay gone. The health benefits are pretty well known, but I should also cope much better with anaesthetic and healing too. Due to my exercise options being pretty much out of my control, I will enjoy my 15 mins of swimming, my Physio sessions, walks and oh yes, I will use sex as an excuse for some cardio...
Self worth: I have spent most of my life, being my worst enemy. I've never held myself in high regard, so I struggle to see anything about me but my flaws, the negatives. For every good point, I could find five bad, and it really isn't a healthy thing to do. I have no plans to be someone or something I'm not, I just want to learn to accept the good things, without always searching for the bad. To help me here, I've decided I need to include more glamour in my choice of clothes and make the most of my assets, and what awesome assets I have too! (Behave you lot)
Hobbies: At present, working is not a viable option, so I'm often stuck with time and nothing to do to fill it. So, I've decided I need hobbies. I'm revisiting my French, and hoping to learn Italian after. I am determined to learn to knit, and also want to improve my photography. I need things to exercise my mind as I feel like it is deteriorating along with the rest of me. I just might be a multilingual, multitalented woman by the end of the year! I also want to focus in my writing, expand my style and way with words and work on my website, as well as on a project that will possibly lead to publication, but don't hold me to to that, y'know, no pressure and shizznit.
Excess: I noticed I seem to have an abundance of lotions and potions, shower gels and scrubs, nail polishes and perfumes too. Being a female these are the easy fall back options for people when it comes to gifts, and quite frankly people either ink I hum, or just like to make me smell amazing all the time (which u do, I always smell good!). This year I am going to try and avoid buying any perfume,toiletries or nail polishes, until I reduce the excess I am currently hoarding. I kid you not, I could give Boots a run for their money at the moment.
Finances: I hate this aspect of life, the money one. All I can really say here is I am going to be plotting every bloody outgoing, and in some vain hope it might just mean I end up with less struggles each month, if I'm keeping such a close eye on it all.
Road tripping!: This year I'd like to get out of London more, visit people and see new places. As much as I'd like to get out of the UK, just away from the big smog will do me for now, baby steps and all...
As much as I'd like to turn into a rich, jet setting beauty, I'll be content if I can make this year a little less harsh on me in all ways possible. Here is to 2014....
And I hope you manage as many of these as you can, but most of all you come out safe from surgery xx
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I think I've started on a pretty positive run, so onwards and upwards!
DeleteI'm dreading the surgery healing time more than the actual surgery itself x